Thursday 23 November 2023

Wembury Water Pipit

After more wet and windy weather overnight I headed out to the River Plym on Saturday 18th November for a quick look about on the morning high tide before heading down to Truro for the night to celebrate our friend Julie's birthday. It was grey and claggy but dry and it wasn't too windy either and Blaxton Meadow was back to being a lake again.

Blaxton Meadow/Lake

The usual birds were present on the Meadow despite the high water level and included a 2nd winter Mediterranean Gull, 2 adult Common Gull, 40 Wigeon, a female Teal, 26 Curlew and 10 Greenshank. There were 2 redhead Goosander present too, unusual here but obviously making  the most of the high water levels while on the river nearby a male Goosander and 3 redheads were also present.



Tuesday 21st November was all blue sky and sunshine and with repairs to the living room fireplace and redecorating completed we headed out to Burrator Reservoir for a walk. It was very quiet on the bird front with a flyover Siskin, an unseen singing Mistle Thrush, the resident white farmyard Goose and a Cormorant the highlights. There was a lot of felling of the coniferous trees going on while we were there and the road was a complete mudbath in places, the recent weather has not been ideal for logging work. There was no sight or sound of any Crossbills on our walk but I hope that some of the pine trees which are covered in cones are left standing for them.

I headed out to Wembury on Wednesday 22nd November, it was dry and calm for a change but mostly overcast and I had a very enjoyable walk despite the very muddy footpath!

The Water Pipit was still present along the beach near the sewage pipe, it was very active and mobile and regularly chasing off any other Pipits that came too close.

Water Pipit

Water Pipit

Water Pipit 

Water Pipit

A Reed Bunting was in amongst the Cirl Buntings perched up in the sewage farm hedge although it was chasing off any that came too close before it had had enough and flew off east.

Offshore a Great Northern Diver flew west and 3 Common Scoters (a male and 2 female) were also seen flying west before they landed on the sea. There were feeding flocks of Gulls further out but an adult Kittiwake passed by closer to shore as it headed west too.

A flock of 21 Turnstone were feeding along the beach with 2 Curlew, 3 Little Egrets, 2 pairs of Mallard and Oystercatchers also present.


Great Black-backed Gull 

A light passage of Woodpigeon passed overhead heading west, around 300 birds in total in small, irregular flocks and with them were 3 Stock Doves. Also of note were a Chiffchaff, 2 Goldcrest, a male Bullfinch, a Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Green Woodpecker.



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