Thursday 25 July 2024

Summer Ending

A day on Cawsands beach on Thursday 18th July was a hot affair, we ended up sitting in the shade of the overhanging trees at the top of the beach and watching the world go by while keeping a little cooler but it was an enjoyable day out none the less. Not much was seen on the wildlife front in the sunshine and heat but a summer plumaged Mediterranean Gull patrolled back and forth along the beach (with 2 more adults later seen at Cremyll), 5 Swifts dashed about overhead, a brief Silver-washed Fritillary flitted by and a few Chiffchaff were heard calling in the undergrowth, presumably juvenile birds.

Friday 19th July was hot and sunny again so I headed out to Wembury for a walk, primarily to look for butterflies but also to look for any birds on the move. It was quiet on the bird front as expected but a juvenile Wheatear and a Curlew (maybe last years wintering bird?) seen along the beach and an adult and juvenile Mediterranean Gull flying past offshore heading east hinted that summer is beginning to end. A brief male Dartford Warbler at The Point was the only other bird of note.

There were a few butterflies on the wing, still seemingly in lower numbers than usual but I managed to find 2 Small Copper, 4 Small Skipper, a very fresh looking Peacock, a Marbled White, 3 Common Blue, around 6 Red Admiral, a Large White, a Small White and my first Wall Brown of the year along with Ringlet, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper and Speckled Wood.

Small Copper

Wall Brown

A female Beautiful Demoiselle along the stream and a very inquisitive and active Southern Hawker at The Point were of note. I also saw Mavis and Mike up on the top path at The Point while I was walking back to the cafe along the bottom path to meet up with David for some lunch, unexpected and a bit surreal waving at each other while chatting on the phone!

Southern Hawker

We had a walk around Burrator Resevoir on Monday 22nd July, it was dry but overcast and surprisingly quiet on the people and wildlife front too. The highlight were 2 Crossbill flying high overhead, giving themselves away by calling as they went. A Silver-washed Fritillary dashing around was an all too brief sight and a few Sundew were seen in flower in their usual spot.


I decided to head off to Dawlish Warren on the train for a visit on Tuesday 23rd July, the return ticket was going to cost £18 (!) before 9am so I caught the 9:30 train which only cost me £6.75 with my railcard. I used to visit Dawlish Warren quite regularly, it's an easy day out on the train (and can be relatively inexpensive) but after all the winter gales (and the spring, summer and autumn gales) having all but destroyed the dune ridge path and the bird hide being closed down I haven't really bothered, a shame as it is still a great place for wildlife.

I arrived off the train at around 10:30 and headed off straight away to the dune ridge overlooking The Bight to catch the ebbing tide. With Roseate, Arctic, Common and Little Terns being seen erratically amongst the Sandwich Terns over the past few days I set my scope up in anticipation but I was out of luck. However seeing and hearing the Sandwich Terns flying overhead as they moved between the estuary and sea was wonderful and it was good to see a fair few juvenile birds amongst them after the recent ravages of bird flu decimating breeding colonies.

Waders were on the move too with Whimbrel, Greenshank, Dunlin, Curlew, Oystercatcher, Ringed Plover and Redshank all seen feeding in the estuary on the dropping tide. The 6 long staying Eider (a female and 5 immature male) were roosting on Finger Point and 3 Little Egret were feeding in the salt marsh. Offshore a distant male Common Scoter was picked up and along the beach at least 3 adult Mediterranean Gulls moulting into winter plumage were feeding amongst the Black-headed Gulls.

A Kestrel, at least 10 Swift, a House Martin and Swallows were noted overhead and a male Whitethroat, a pair of Cirl Buntings and a male and 6+ juvenile Stonechats were noted in the dunes.


Butterflies were on the wing with a Peacock, a Red Admiral, 2 Small Copper, Gatekeeper, 4 male Common Blue, Small Skipper, Meadow Brown, Green-veined White and a Small White all seen along with a few Silver Y and 6-Spot Burnet.

6-Spot Burnet

A Weasel and a Sand Lizard only gave brief views but a male Emperor Dragonfly patrolling the main pond while a female was oviposting showed very well along with a Common Darter and a Blue-tailed Damselfly. Also present were probable Black-tailed Skimmers and Small Red-eyed Damselfly but they were too quick and too distant to fully confirm. Plenty of Marsh Helleborine were in flower too and amongst all the Bees buzzing around I managed to ID Silvery Leafcutter Bees amongst them.

Marsh Helleborine

Silvery Leafcutter Bee

Silvery Leafcutter Bee

A very enjoyable day out indeed, I really should consider visiting Dawlish Warren more often although I do like to stay more local to Plymouth these days. I certainly have the spare time now having finished work a year ago to the day, I can't believe how quickly that year has gone, it has just flown by, and despite a few doom mongers at the time I certainly haven't been bored. Note to self - consider a visit to Dawlish Warren, you never know what you may find!

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Birdy 2024

The Herring Gulls have nested again this year on our chimney stack and their single chick, Birdy 2024, duly arrived down the chimney and into our living room fire grate on Monday 1st July after starting his descent the day before. It's the first Herring Gull chick we have had down the chimney for 3 years after the nest failed in 2022 and the chick got himself down to the nearby flat roof without using our chimney in 2023 and it was a bit of a surprise to be temporary Herring Gull parents again. Fortunately Birdy 2024 arrived before we went away to Madeira otherwise there would have been all kinds of dead Herring Gull in our grate on our return home.

He was very docile and quiet when we fished him out of the grate but his little heartbeat was racing away at 19 to the dozen. We placed him on the flat roof next door and fed him a tin of sardines which he just nibbled at but it wasn't long before the adults arrived to resume their parental duties, one of the adults ate the sardines and then regurgitated them to the chick which he quickly swallowed so we breathed a sigh of relief. He seemed a bit weak and wobbly but unharmed by his experience and was soon making lots of noise as normal (and lots of poop).

Birdy 2024 - 2nd July and 14th July

I had a quick walk out to Wembury on Tuesday 2nd July, I usually spend the day before going away on holiday sorting out stuff but I was very organised for a change and had a bit of spare time on my hands. It was quiet as expected but I did find a few Gatekeepers on the wing, a mating pair of Azure Damselfly, a Golden Ringed Dragonfly, the usual Bee Wolf's hunting Bees, 2 Swift overhead and a Common Sandpiper along the beach. 

Azure Damselfly

Bee Wolf with Bee

Bee Wolf with Bee

On our return from Madeira on Friday 12th July Birdy 2024 was still present on the flat roof with the noisy parents still in attendance who divebombed us whenever we stepped out into the yard although they very quickly stopped once they had gotten used to our prescence again. Birdy 2024 is certainly growing well and is now even noisier, especially around dawn (around 5am!), so we have to sleep with the bedroom windows closed. Hopefully he will be fledging soon.

Ever-watchful Herring Gull parent

It was warmish and sunnyish on Sunday 14th July so I headed out to Roborough Down for a walk. There were noticeably more butterflies around - Ringlet, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, 2 very worn Large Skipper, 3+ Red Admiral and Whites - but I failed to find any Grayling, Silver-washed Fritillary or Purple Hairstreak. There were lots of people about too and the birding was slow but a Swift, a Green Woodpecker, a lovely yellow juvenile Willow Warbler flitting about, singing Yellowhammers and noisy juvenile Bullfinches were of note.


I headed out to The Plym for a walk on Tuesday 16th July, my first visit this month. It was warm and humid with sunny spells and I caught the bus out to Marsh Mills at around Midday to have a look at the 2pm high tide roost. As I got off the bus at Longbridge I heard a Dipper calling along the river but I failed to catch a sight of it and so I headed off to Blaxton Meadow. It was a low high tide so the water wasn't coming through the sluice gates but out on the Meadow were 23 Curlew, an Oystercatcher, 2 Mediterranean Gulls (adult and 2nd summer birds still in breeding plumage), 2 adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 3 juvenile Black-headed Gulls amongst the adults and 10 Little Egrets.

A Silver-washed Fritillary had been reported on the 14th July in front of the bird hide, I really didn't expect to see it today but sure enough it (or another) was present feeding on the Buddleia flowers, my first Plym sighting of one and my first for the year.

Silver-washed Fritillary

Silver-washed Fritillary 

The female Red-crested Pochard and 2 female Mandarin Ducks were present on the duck pond with the usual Mallard and Moorhen while Swallows buzzed overhead. A Jay, a Nuthatch, 2 Chiffchaff, a Ring-necked Parakeet and 2 Blackcap were heard around the Park and along the river 2 adult Shelduck with 6 well grown ducklings, a Common Sandpiper and a further 3 female Mandarin Ducks were seen.

Red-crested Pochard

Red-crested Pochard


A Comma, a Red Admiral, a Large White, Gatekeepers, Meadow Browns, 2 Common Darter, Azure Damselfly, an Emperor Dragonfly and a mating pair of 6-spot Burnet moths were also seen.

Mating 6-Spot Burnet - the female has barely gotten out of her pupal case!

Not so nice was getting stung twice on the ankle by a Wasp, it was surprisingly painful but at least my ankle hasn't swollen up too much!