Friday 16 October 2020

More Ouzels

Thursday 15th October was bright and sunny, ideal for my planned birdy day out with my mate Mavis to the Avon Dam to look for Ring Ouzels. Reports had dried up after last weeks flurry of sightings but 6 had been reported as present the previous day so we kept our fingers crossed on the drive to the Shipley Bridge car park.

The river level was much lower than it was on lasts weeks visit and as a result it was a much quieter walk without the roar of the water and there was no water flowing over the Dam either. A tractor and a digger were trundling back and forth along the path with loads of gravel which were being dumped into the river, apparently to provide areas for fish to spawn as the gravel gets dispersed downstream by the winter floods.

On walking up the valley to the first bridge there were a group of birders/toggers scanning the hillsides and we quickly found a couple of Ring Ouzels perched up in the tree tops but they were distant and flighty. Eventually we managed to get some decent views of at least 4 birds but probably more were present as they were very flighty and very skulky in the cover of holly and rhododendron bushes. 

Ring Ouzels

Ring Ouzel

We carried on up the valley and as we neared the Dam a group of 5 Ring Ouzels flew over and landed in the bushes inside the quarry and we were able to get some good views of them feeding on berries before they disappeared into cover.

Ring Ouzels

Heading back down the valley to the first bridge and birders/toggers were still present and watching Ouzels and it was here that we had our best views of 2 birds scoffing down rowan berries in a tree near to the path before disappearing into cover with at least another 2 birds present nearby

Ring Ouzel

Ring Ouzel

Ring Ouzel

After watching the Ouzels for a while a Sparrowhawk was picked up rocketing down the hillside towards us, dispersing all the birds in all directions. Fortunately it failed to make a kill (this time) but with the birds spooked and time moving on it was time to head homewards.

A very enjoyable day out as always and in lovely weather with Chiffchaff, Raven, Peregrine, Mistle Thrush, Coal Tit, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Song Thrush, Goldcrest, Kestrel and Buzzard also noted along with a Small Copper and a few Red Admirals. And certainly the best views of Ring Ouzels I've ever had at the Avon Dam. 

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