Friday 1 April 2011

Mount Edgecumbe 31st March

Today was grey and misty and mizzley again, so annoying after the lovely weather last week while I was on night shifts. Today we caught the ferry over to Mount Edgecumbe country park just over the River Tamar in Cornwall for lunch in the pub and then a walk around the park.

It was quite cool and grey but chiffchaffs and nuthatches were singing and a great spotted woodpecker was heard calling and later seen in the top of a tree. 3 stock doves flew overhead in a pair and a single.

In the ornamental garden 2 smooth newts were found in a pond with 3 pairs of toads, the males gripping on to the females backs for grim death. There was no spawn seen in the pond but there were some very small and very immobile tadpoles. The male toads were much smaller than the females and one of the females was a very unusual brown/red colour. I left my camera at home so no snaps which is a shame as they were seen very close too.

No sign of the 16 Sandwich terns around Drakes Island that were reported on the Devon Bird News blog for the 31st but we did see the to be decommissioned HMS Campbell Town come in to port for the last time with bagpipers piping on the back deck and tugs spraying water in to the air as it passed by.

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